Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I hope the baby likes pink

Well, we finally started the preparing of the baby room. I had initially wanted to do a non traditional color, but Kevin really wanted to have the room pink. He thinks that every little girl deserves to have one pink room until they decide they don't want pink anymore. Well, he sure got his pink room and now he probably is rethinking that decision. I am sure that he was hoping for a more pastel pink, but I really don't like pastel pink and I picked the color.

I admit, it is a little overwhelmingly pink, but it is for our little, pink princess. As a redhead, I have never owned anything pink, not a notebook, not a shirt, nothing. I never thought pink and red hair went well together. I hope that if our little one does have red hair that she won't feel the same way her Mom does un
til she is a lot older. I don't want to have to repaint the room for a while. So here is a sneak peek of the paint job.


Rebecca said...

That's so sweet! Can't wait to see it. And see her too. Sorry that we couldn't come down this past weekend, but we are planning to come down for your shower. Can you believe you are going to have a baby - REAL SOON????

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pink, of course I love pink! It is going to be just precious like her. I miss you guys and can't wait to come.