Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Southern Belle Sallie Rose

Sallie Rose went to church for the first time before we left for Texas. She wore her green, smock dress that was hand made by my friend Natalie's Mom. She had a matching bonnet that I had to take her picture in, but she did not wear it to church. Kevin was not too sure about it. He thought she looked like a girl from Little House on the Prairie. What's wrong with that?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sallie Rose off to her Motherland

We are leaving for Texas early tomorrow morning and I am so excited I could scream! Of course I am also nervous about taking a 2 month old on a two day drive, but I am sure she will do fine. She is getting her first round of vaccinations today so that worries me a little too. No matter what, we are leaving tomorrow and will cross the Texas line on Friday afternoon. Sallie Rose will know she is "home" once she smells the fresh air that is only present in the great state of Texas.

I just hope when it is time to leave after Christmas we will be able to get her in the car to come back to Savannah. Kevin claims she is a Georgia girl just because she was born here, but no one with my family blood will ever be a Georgia girl. Maybe half Georgia girl, but never full Georgian. Its just part of it. I have nothing against Georgians, but Texans, oh us Texans, we are something else. So proud of our state and for good reason!

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Friday, December 5, 2008