Friday, November 9, 2012

Surgery update

I am home from my one night stay at the hospital and things are going just fine. I feel alright, just tired and sore. I am having a hard time talking and eating, but other than that I can't complain.

Kevin has been a huge help with me and the girls. I have not been able to do anything since I got home so he has done it all. He is amazing! Thanks again for the help of Susan And Donna. We couldn't have done it without them!

I have been sleeping a lot and just trying to rest. Sallie Rose will not look at me or come close. My neck is pretty gross and she just is a little squeamish, which is how she usually is. She has been nice, just not wanting to come close to me. She let me use her blanket last night, but told Kevin not to let it touch my neck. That girl is too funny!

Here is a picture to see for yourself. The doctor said it was very large, larger than he imagined, but it did not have cancerous cells in it. They will do further testing, but he is pretty sure it is ok. He is an older surgeon and was grossly excited about how big it was. He said he hadn't seen one that big in a long time. Glad I could make your day doc. So back to bed I go to rest!

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