Saturday, December 3, 2011

Baby Deuce

I finally decided to take some pictures of the new baby bump. I am 16 weeks this week, but I feel further along since we started going to the doctor at 6 weeks. They thought I was further along than I was.

So far, I don't think I have gained as much weight as last time, but then again I didn't gain most of until this time. The only reason I really even am concerned about it is because I do feel like all the weight I gained might have had something to do with my blood pressure problems at the end, although they can not prove that. I am still watching it a little more than last time and trying to avoid things like sweets and Mexican food. I ate a lot of both of those last time. :)

Everything is going well so far and I feel pretty good, still a little tired and not exercising as much as I should be, but what can you do?

Oh and I did make a mistake a few posts ago about what the due date is. It is May 19th not March 19th.

Sallie Rose wanted to be in the picture.

Hey little baby in there.

Today we went to see Santa (and it was adorable!) and tonight we go get our tree! I can't wait to put out all my Christmas decorations that I made last year. My lollipops and peppermints!

1 comment:

The Jinkins Family said...

You've got a pretty adorable bump there, Cassie! Love it. And love that SR wanted to know her docs middle name. Sweetness.