Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vacation/Upcoming birthday

Wow, I have been trying to do this post for 2 weeks, but somehow I have not been able to find the time to sit down for 15 minutes to do it. So, finally I am writing about our trip that we took 2 weeks ago and now I have forgotten most of the things I wanted to say. :)

We stayed in a nice condo on Amelia Island that faced the beach and had a full kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It was small, but perfect for us. Sallie Rose loved having her own room, but she did ask if her friend Julia could come next year to sleep in the other bed. Amelia Island is really nice. Its not very big, but it has a little downtown area that has good restaurants and an ice cream shop. What more does a 3 year old need.

Sallie Rose loved the beach! She sat and played in the sand for 2 hours and never really got in the water. She would find pools of water on the beach and sit in those. We had a great, relaxing time. It was just what our little family needed. She never threw a tantrum, she slept great and she loved being with both me and Kevin. I loved being with them too! One night we were driving back from eating and she kept saying "let's get back to our combo and look at the beach." I thought I was going to melt in cuteness. Of course, her sometimes annoying Dad corrected her and told her it was a condo.

I would definitely recommend Amelia Island to anyone who is looking for a low key beach vacation. The weather was great too.

This weekend I will be making purple cupcakes (and next weekend too) to get ready for Sallie's 3rd birthday. We will have a party here with a couple of her friends and then we head to Texas for the State Fair and another birthday party with her whole family. We are very excited. I am not so excited about my firstborn baby turning 3, but it is coming whether I like it or not.

She has been such a fun, easy child lately and I have loved every minute with her. She is learning manners, she is beyond smart, and she told me the other day I was the best Mom ever. Happy Birthday next weekend to the most precious, beautiful, best dancing 3 year old in the World.


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