Monday, October 10, 2011

Savannah Birthday Party

Saturday we had a few of Sallie Rose's friends over for a small birthday party. She was so cute the whole day. That morning she helped me clean up the house, make cupcakes, and decorate the house in all purple. That is one of the things she said she wanted as a gift for her birthday, she wanted everything to be purple. We made that happen.

As we were putting out the purple tablecloth, purple napkins, purple balloons, and purple cupcakes, she kept thanking me for her beautiful purple party. It was so sweet and I just hope that as she gets older she will appreciate the small things like that forever. We did not go over board and get her any really big gifts, just some shoes and clothes that she needed, but I tried to make her party as special as I could. She seemed to feel real special. She is real special.

Nana, Kevin's Mom, bought her the little dress she is wearing and she loved it. Kevin's parents have been sick so they were not able to make it to the party, but I was sure to get a few pictures of her in the dress to send to Nana.

Sallie Rose had a wonderful day and the next day we played with her new scooter (that she rides all over the house until we can take it outside), her Candyland game and all her other new toys that she got. Thursday we head to Texas for the State Fair and another party, yes that's right, she will have 2 parties. I hope she is as sweet at this next one as she was at this one.

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