Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Incredible Edible Egg...Chicken

Well, all in all, we had a pretty good Halloween. We had a little bit of 2 year old drama Saturday and a large cry fest on Sunday, but at the end of the day, we all had fun.
I made her costume, except for the hat, and I was pretty proud of myself. I don't sew that much and I took it on and made it work. It was pretty easy, I'm not going to lie. I thought it was pretty cute and different than your usual run of the mill princess, snow white, fairy, and so on. No offense to those who did go as all of those, but I figure that every year from here on out Sallie Rose will choose to be one of those. I thought I would choose for her this year and then next year we can do everything that involves a pretty dress, fairy wings, and/or a tutu.
She was not that interested in putting her egg on. She wore it school Thursday and kept it on all day until lunch. She really wanted to go trick or treating on Saturday, but she did not want to put on a costume. We finally convinced her to put it on and the hat (for 4 seconds), got one good picture and then let it go after that. I was tired of fighting with her. If she doesn't want to be any fun, then that is her own issue.
Today the Church had their Fall Festival and we went out there and had a lot of fun. We of course had to deal with her 30 minute cryfest after naptime before we could go. I have no idea why she was crying, but she did and it was sad. She literally cried for 20 minutes so hard that she was doing the cry where you shake and have double breaths. You know which one I am talking about? I just figure it goes with her age. One minute she is happy, the next she is a 16 year old in a 2 year old body. Wowzers.
We had a good weekend, but now it is time for me to get studying. I plan on taking my first test on November 22nd and so far I have been pretty diligent about studying every single night, except Friday and Saturdays. Next week, I go on a cruise with 2 of my sisters and then come back and take a test. Woo hoo Cruise!!!
P.S. Take a look at that picture of me at the bottom. Can we say Kardashian sister? Dang girl, baby got back. I always laugh at how big their butts are, but I should take a look at the mirror more often. :)


Our Wandering Life said...

Your butt is tiny. Trust me. I've got back, front, side.....all of it. Wowzers indeed.
Totally jealous of the cruise. Especially since Mat has taken two trips to Texas in the last month. Boo!

Kam De Leon said...

Looks like a good Halloween to me! Have fun next week!