Monday, October 11, 2010

2nd birthday

This weekend will be my lil baby's second birthday. I honestly can't believe it, I know everyone says that, but that is because it is true. I feel like just yesterday I was walking around 45 pounds heavier, waiting for my little angel to arrive and tell the World that her name is Sallie Rose Butt Beckwith. I was so proud of her already and now, well, I am more proud of her than I could have ever imagined.

Yes, there are days when I walk in her room and she yells "go away Mommy", like she is 14, but then we work it out and she gives me her awkward little hug, where she leans her shoulder into me and then "lets me hug her". There are really not many hugs and kisses from her, but we appreciate the little bit that she does give.

She really is an amazing little person already. She is smart, she is funny, and she unbearably adorable. Her little tiny hiny and her little tiny nose and that porcelain skin just makes me melt with love. She is not as good of a dancer as I had hoped, but there is still time. And she might still be a little cautious of certain people, men in general, but she at least doesn't cry hysterically when people come close to her.

She is loving school and she had her pictures taken last week, so I can't wait to see what those look like. The teacher told me she would not smile. She was so serious and just kept looking straight at the photographer with no expression. She is such a serious model.

She knows all her A, B, Cs and she can count to 20. She knows everyone who comes into her presence name and she knows all the words to almost any song she has ever sang. She can also "read" books. She has memorized many of our regular books and has begun to read them to us instead of us reading to her. She also knows what street she lives on. When we got home from our trip and we were leaving the airport, Kevin said, "Sallie Rose we are going home" and she replied by saying, "let's go to 48th Street". That is our street number. I think if she would have said our full address, I would have passed out. She is 2 and knows what street she lives on. I might be a proud Mom, but dang, some days I can't remember what street we live on.

She is my new life and my new love. I see my future in her and I am so proud of what she can become. She has so much to look forward to and I know that she has that special blood that runs through her veins from her Grandmas that will give her the heart that she needs to spend her life giving to others and sharing the talents that God gave her. I have a feeling she will be surpassing my intelligence in a few short years and I pray everyday that she uses it for the best and for helping others. No matter who she is in 5, 10, 20 years, she is my first child and will never know what she has done for me in the last year and how she has helped me and her Daddy make it through some really tough times. She is God's gift to us and I am so thankful for her and how much love she has brought to this World in such a short 2 year period.
Happy 2nd Birthday Sallie Rose!!


Our Wandering Life said...

What a sweet post Cassie! Love it.

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday Miss Sallie Rose! You are definitely a blessing (as are your mom and dad!)