Thursday, July 15, 2010

Someone's in the kitchen with Dina

I thought it was about time to post something about my boo boo, Sallie Rose. She does prefer for her Mommy to call her Boo boo. She is 21 months old this week and she is such an amazing little person. I can't believe how much she knows and how well she speaks, and all the colors she knows, how she can count to 16, and how mean she can be at times.

This morning she started off by sitting in bed with me singing someone's in the kitchen with Dina. She knows all the words and even will hold a key for a few seconds just like her Daddy does. If you have never heard a 21 month old sing "i've been workin on the railroad all the live long day", you haven't seen anything. It is the most precious thing I have ever seen in my life. Maybe more precious than the day I gave birth to her. It is a toss up. Maybe not.

She really has begun to string long sentences of words together. We went for ice cream on Sunday and as we were driving I said, "whose excited for ice cream?" From out of the backseat came "Sawee Wose excited ice cream". Kevin and I started laughing and couldn't believe that just came out of our baby's mouth. That girl loves ice cream, she will even say Cold Stone when we are driving, because she thinks that is all we do is go get ice cream.

She is a doll, she is becoming independent and wants to wear her pajamas to Summer Camp. We had a little drama this morning, because I told her she couldn't wear her horsie pj to camp. The other day I took her to the grocery store with me and she wanted to wear her socks with her sandals. Not just any socks, but her socks that look like rainbows. Kevin couldn't believe I was letting her leave the house like that. She needs to explore her fashion sense and like he has any room to talk. I know my family knows what Kevin used to dress like.

She has quite a few little friends that she is making at school. One is named Sassy. What do you think about that name? The other is Boots. I think her real name is Elizabeth, but they call her Boots. Don't know. She says their names all the time. She has finally quit saying all the boys names and now has some girlfriends. They are all so cute.

The rest of the Summer will be pretty busy as we begin to try and wrap up our rental season and I am wrapping up my career for now in an office setting. It is interesting thinking about what the next few months will hold. Maybe I will take a break and just hang out with my girl and study for my tests. I know we are dropping her buns off in Dallas and Daddy and I are going to San Francisco. We book it tonight! Yeah, a vacation away from the landlord life. It is much needed.

I promise I will post pictures soon!


Our Wandering Life said...

Sassy, Sallie and Boots? Sounds like the beginning of a new Ya-Ya Sisterhood Savannah style....

Patty Butt said...

I'm back! I feel bad that I have not commented in so long. I can't get over how much SR has grown and changed looks. I can't wait to see her.

Anonymous said...

you need to tell he how wonderful her grumps is so she might let me hold her in sept.

Rebecca said...

Too funny. We need to see a video of her singing! And yes, I know how Kevin wears socks with his sandals too (Jacade does it too!) and Millie loves to wear her pajamas all day too!

We need to come see y'all real soon. Millie talks about SR all the time!