Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A lil strange

I am beginning to think my baby is a little strange. It would come to her naturally, look at her DAD. Hahahhah. Ok, I can be strange too. I consider my strange really funny and Kevin's strange is just, well strange.

She has a few things that she has done that I have thought might just be her age and her discovery of new things. Well, most of them come and go and some change to other types of the same behavior. For instance, she likes to wear her sunglasses. She used to wear them just for riding in the car, then it was wearing them into summer camp, and last night it was while eating dinner. For any of you who knew Kevin and I when we started dating, you might remember me complaining about how he wore his sunglasses everywhere. To dinner, to the movie, in the mall, everywhere. I finally had to ask him to stop wearing them other than when it was during the day and outside. Bothered me so bad. I felt like he was trying to hide something.

Anyways,SHE WOULD NOT TAKE THEM OFF. I tried, she screamed. She is the same way with shoes. From the moment she gets up until you put her in bed, she has to wear shoes. On occasion Kevin will let her go to bed with her shoes, because he does not want to fight her about it. Then we finally figured out we could trick her by letting her wear her house shoes instead of tennis shoes to bed. I don't know what it could be. I guess she likes to have her feet covered. She did not get that from me. I hate to wear shoes. I will definitely pull a Brittney Spears and go barefoot into a public bathroom. Ok, I wouldn't go that far, but I prefer not to wear shoes. It's a country thing ya'll. Although, my sister, Tara, would not be caught dead with her shoes off anywhere in public, because she a germ-o-phobe, and she grew up country.

I will have to think about all the other strange things Rosie does and let you all tell me if she is weird or normal for a 2 year old.


Anonymous said...

Listen Brit, I will go barefoot at times. I just have to have a sink near to wash them! Ha ha I love that she is "strange" it makes her different. I can't wait to see her. Love Ta Ta

Anonymous said...

She is too cute! I miss ya'll. Come to Austin.
Love ya,

Rebecca said...

Maybe she's not strange, and it's you instead! She's just getting a personality. Love the sunglasses! And Millie is the complete opposite about shoes. She never wants to wear her shoes. And she leaves hers all over the house, which drives me crazy!

The Jinkins Family said...

Personally, I love a little strange! Go Sallie Rose!

Kasey said...

I love it!

Grace Calvert said...

Um. Just wait until she wants to wear the same dress every single day. Even though it has holes in it because she's worn it so much. And then you buy 6 other dresses thinking you can deter her but no. IT HAS TO BE THAT DRESS.