Tuesday, June 1, 2010

first day of summer camp

Well, today was the first day of Summer Camp for Sallie Rose. She had a bad night last night for some reason and was up a couple of times and I thought, she might not be going to camp tomorrow. She woke up this morning fairly happy and I asked her if she wanted to go to camp and she said yes very happily.

So, we had breakfast, got dressed and got all her bags packed. I had packed her lunch the night before, because I had a feeling we might be running late and we were of course. So, she grabbed her lunch box, waved bye bye to me and went to the front door to wait. So cute. Kills me. I want to eat her up sometimes.

I took her picture on the front step (will post later) and we got in the car and went to camp. When we got there she was a little shy, but I asked her if she wanted to go play with the girls at the table and she just walked over and started playing. I left and she didn't even notice. What? She was tired of me from the weekend, I am sure.

I dropped her off all clean and tightly dressed and I went back to pick her up and she was dirty from head to toe. Popsicle on her shirt, paint all over her body, and of course boogers all over her cheeks. EEEEwwwww...it was so funny. She looked a hot mess. Not to mention she was so tired she could hardly hold her little, squinty eyes open. She was happy though. Her teacher said that she did a great job and that she was so petite and loved going outside. Petite? Is that a characteristic? I am beginning to think so, I have heard that a lot lately from people. Oh well, she is petite.

We went home and she went straight to nap time. She was worn out. She slept for 3 hours. Good times at Summer Camp.

I did ask her tonight if she made any friends, no response. I asked if there were boys in her class and she said yes with a little grin. I asked if there were cute boys in her class and she got this teenager look on her face and very bashfully said "yeeeessss". I don't know how she can be so boy crazy already, makes me nervous. What is going to happen in 10 years? Oh yeah....all girls school, that's what.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Cute! Millie already has a "boyfriend" and she's 3. She calls him her Dad. Glad that Sallie Rose had fun and you had a little break!