Monday, May 24, 2010

Singing lady

Well, it is time to make a post all about little Sallie Rose. There is so much to say about her, but I will try and keep it to the highlights.
First off, she loves to sing. She sings Twinkle Twinkle, ABC's, I love you (Barney song), Barbara Ann (Beach Boys, I think), Skina ma rink?, and so much more. It is one of those things that makes my heart hurt when she starts singing. We'll be riding in the car and she just starts singing Twinkle Twinkle little Star. Most precious thing I have ever heard. The best part is that she doesn't quite know how to say the words, but she knows the tune and rhythm and just makes up words. I have tried and tried to get it on video, but she wants to grab it every time she sees it. She loves to sing and of course when we are done she says "more please".
She can count to about 16 and knows most of her ABC's. It is kind of the same with the ABC's as it is singing. She can sing along to the tune, but there are a few letters that are only mumbles. She reads a few words. Yes, she reads. Her Daddy bought her the "your baby can read" videos and she can read. No lies here. It is a little creepy to me, but what the hey, nothing wrong with your 19 month old reading more than you. Right? Next, the two of us will be lying around reading US Weekly together and I can tell her all about what not to wear and do. It will be very educational.

Sallie Rose still loves to dance, not as much as before, but she does. She is a little more into hopping than dancing. She does like to tap dance. I think she got that from Sesame Street.

She sleeps so well now. We got back from Texas in April and she sleeps so great. I am not sure what happened, but I never have to get up in the middle of the night anymore. Thank the Lord, literally. I am so grateful. I love to sleep!

She is definitely having some trouble with defiance, but overall her tantrums are pretty minimal. She does have a hitting problem, but we are working on that. We do time outs and hand restraints. I have smacked her bottom (very lightly) a couple of times and she seems puzzled. I am not going to lie people, I will be spanking, not often, but there will be some spankings in Sallie Rose's future. I got spanked and look how well I turned out. I have never been in jail, please I was never even sent to the Principal's office. I have never....well, I guess that about sums it up. I rarely even got spanked, unless Sara was involved in my afternoon and then she would get me to do something to Tara and then there were spankings. I digress....back to Sallie Rose.

We are swimming, sliding, picinicing, going to Summer Camp, church nursery school, running, loving, kissing, and so much more. I have enjoyed her so much lately. She finally is showing some affection to us and we are soaking it all in. She loves her Daddy. Soooooo much! On a side note: the other day I was changing her diaper and Kevin was "assisting" and she said her name, said Mommy and then called Kevin Daddy Rose. It was so adorable. I cried of course. When she says her own name it is really sweet, but Daddy Rose, precious. I guess she thinks that is every one's middle name or maybe just Kevin's.

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