Sunday, May 2, 2010

1 Month Ago

Wow, I am not even sure where to start. It has been a month since I have written or posted pictures. I guess I have just been busy. I will try to summarize the last month and then give an update on what is going on within the next month.

First, Kevin and I went on our first ever Mommy/Daddy get away alone in 18 months. I can't believe we have never done this. That's what happens when you live 3 states away from all of your family. You have limited parties of whom you would trust your child's care with. Susan is our main person, and she watches Sallie Rose every day during the week, so we hate to burden her with it. Sweet as Susan is, she said she would keep her and we went and it was well deserved and overdue. It was fun.

Next we went to Texas for a long weekend. Last minute, but also really needed. I needed to get out of town, see my family, and get Sallie Rose used to seeing her Texas family. She did fine, although she was apprehensive a little still. The time will come when I have to pull her away screaming and crying.

Last and for the present. I am giving my notice tomorrow at work. Why you ask? Well, a lot of reason, but the main one being that I have a lot of responsibilities here at home and I can't work 6 full days anymore like I have for the last year. I am tired and I want to spend more time with my family. No, my job at the office is not demanding. Actually, quite the opposite. It is boring at times and very draining on my creative juices. So, what will I do with my time you ask?

1. Be a part time stay at home Mom who works while the baby girl sleeps.
2. Run 12 properties and 40 something residents (and all their crying and whining)
3. Work on my architecture website, link to come soon, and start studying for the 7 tests that I must take to call myself an Architect.
4. Pick up architecture/interior design work as I can find it. Seems to come out of no where most of the time.
5. Do a lot of volunteer work for Urban Hope, which I sit on the board for
6. Paint artwork, furniture, and anything else that I can get my hands on.
7. Get inventory ready for my retail space that I will hopefully open sometime next year, as well as have my Architectural firm in the back of.
8. Spend time with Kevin and Sallie Rose on the weekends. Kevin has never had a weekend off since I have known him. We are hoping that since I will be doing 90% of the property work that he will have weekends off again. Yeah!!
9. Travel to see my family, in laws, friends, and things

I haven't told many people that this was coming, mainly because I wanted to make the decision on my own without a lot of opinions. I didn't want to hear that I was giving up my career for my husband's properties. That is not true at all. I will be going back to where I first started with my love for art and design. I will use my experience that I have gotten for the last 4 years and break free from sitting in front of the computer 8 hours a day. No one knows what is best for you and your family other than the Mother herself. I made the decision and I am really excited about it. Last year was the hardest year I have ever experienced and this year will be better, because I am making it better!

Gotta get to bed now. We have a sick baby and I have a feeling she might be up a lot tonight. She threw up 3 times in the car as we were driving home from Target. Not the best parenting moment I have ever had, and it was really sad to see.


Rebecca said...

Wow, Cassie, that is awesome. It's like you are still going to have a plate full, just a different one. But I commend you for taking charge of your life for you and your family. Good luck. And hopefully we will get to see y'all more. Can't wait to get the links...proud of you!

Anonymous said...

I think it will be great! You will enjoy being able to do your own work and spending time at home. I see nothing wrong with being a helpful wife. Love you! Tara

The Jinkins Family said...

Well, congratulations! And I totally agree, no one knows but Mama! And whatever makes for a happier mama makes for a happier family, I truly do believe. None of the women in my family or Curtis' stay home, so my decision was met with alot of criticism, but I just know we are making the right choice for our family, which doesn't mean it was an easy decision to make. The closer I get to the end of this school year, the more real it gets, but for the most part, I am really excited. So happy for you. My love to Sallie Rose and Kevin.

Anonymous said...

What a pleasant surprise. Way to go and we support you all the way. Love Patty and Dad

Unknown said...

Thank you everybody for the kind words and support. I am truly excited and we will see how it goes. Only time will tell!