Thursday, April 9, 2009

It has finally happened

Well, it is finally official. After all these months of Sallie Rose drooling all over herself and everyone who holds her, a tiny, white, baby tooth has arrived. She has not been sleeping real well for the last week and the night before last she was up the first half of the night non-stop. We thought it was her tummy, we thought it was the fact that her eye was covered in gunk, we thought she was just playing an April Fool's joke on us and now we know, SHE HAS HER FIRST TOOTH!

I suppose we should be very grateful that she wasn't up all night screaming. She does not seem to have too much pain from it, but she is obviously effected by it somewhat. Of course it is just barely breaking the skin so we might have some screaming nights coming. I will cross my fingers and hope for her sake it is not that painful.

I guess compared to the mean, old man doctor scraping out her ear wax with a metal Q-tip, a tooth ain't all that bad for her.

1 comment:

Kam De Leon said...

Yea Sallie Rose! Just in time for the big weekend!

We're still toothless but all our baby friends tell us that the pain only last until the tooth breaks the surface and then it's over.

Congrats on this milestone!