Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Are Dumb People Making my Baby Dumb?

When you are pregnant the doctor (and everyone else you know) tells you what you can and can't do that will harm or help your unborn child. These days you can't eat soft cheeses, lunch meat, particular seafoods, and too much of anything is not supposed to be good. Oh, and you can't drink alocohol or caffeine or smoke like our parents did when they were having children. But now I am beginning to wonder about other things. I believe some research needs to be done on whether or not interacting with "dumb" people is harming your unborn child's future of being intelligent.

It is one thing for each of us to have to endure the conversations on a daily basis with "dumb" people, but could it be harming an unborn child to have to hear those conversations from inside the womb? I know that when I watch "The Girls Next Door" on the E! Channel that definitely makes me lose a few brain cells. Or when I read my US Weekly every week, that doesn't help my intelligence. The real question is: Do I have to give those things up too while I'm pregnant? Are these shows, magazines, and interactions with lesser intelligent people harming my baby? Should I be reading Wall Street Journal like Kevin or watch nothing but the History Channel?

Then again, I really don't want my child to be boring and only interested in politics and world matters. To have a balanced life I feel like a person should have a serious side as well as a side that has guilty pleasures like "The Girls Next Door". I think for now, I will continue to watch my fav shows, read my juicy gossip, and not turn my nose up to the lesser intelligent around me, but if anyone finds research on this matter please let me know. I will take a chance until the facts are proven.


Kam De Leon said...

I've also considered what my thought processes and daily activities do to baby Vincent. This semester I'm taking a course called the American Experience in Vietnam and therefore spend a considerable amount of time reading and talking about a horrible war. I like to think this doesn't effect him too much and that he's happy just floating around down there.

On the other hand, I went to hear Gloria Steinam speak at a Hillary Clinton rally a few weeks ago and so my son has already been to a feminist rally before he was even born. In this case, I like to think that it's just the beginning to making him a well rounded man.

Regardless, I can relate to all the advice that everyone feels you need, whether you want it or not. I have vowed not to become one of these moms who act like they know everything even if they've only been a mom for a few months!

There are other moms out there who I do enjoy listening to and they are the ones that tell me how fun it's all going to be, how their kids enhance thier lives and they can't imagine life without them. This is what I'm looking forward to in 8 weeks!

Rebecca said...

She's right. You will wonder what you have done up until this point without this baby. And you wake up on Sunday and think, "Wow, I love you so much." Then you wake up Monday morning and think, "Wow, I love you even more than I did yesterday."

Millie is 10 months old now and can give kisses and can say "Mama" and "Dada" now and gets so excited to see us. How could someone not love that or be affected by that? It's AWESOME!!!

Your baby will be a well-rounded baby - no worries!