Monday, May 7, 2012

What name is given this child?

Naming a baby is so hard for me. I want it to be a unique name, but not strange. I want it to have meaning, preferably be a family name and I want it to fit the child.

We knew what we were going to name Sallie Rose from the beginning. This baby we did a little family research and went through all the family names. We found a couple we liked, but didn't love. Plus, Kevin and I have totally different views on names.

Well, we have a name. We have had it for a while now, but I have not been 100% sure about it. I wanted to see her face and then decide. I am still not 100% sure but very close. Kevin loves it and is satisfied. I love the name, but not sure if it is for this baby girl or not until I see what see looks like. I want to see her face and then call Her by her name.

The name we picked is a family name, both first and middle; however, it will not be a name that most of our family will recognize. It is unique, but not crazy, and it compliments Sallie Rose. That was important too.

Now, I just want to see this baby so I can tell the world her name, what color of hair she has and how amazing she already is.

We are ready little girl: safe travels and God will be with us every step of your journey to this world! We love you so much already.

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