Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring is coming

Or spring is here. It has been very nice here the last week and next week it is suppose to be high 70s all week. And, the sand gnats are already biting like crazy.

Something has definitively bit my husband too. He has cut back on coffee, sold his motorcycle (not that he ever rode it) and is in the process of actually cleaning out his "office" so that Sallie Rose can have a new bedroom. I honestly never thought this day would come. I take that back, I knew it would come, but thought it would take me nagging and him complaining. I stand corrected and very grateful. We are having guests in next weekend for St. Patrick's day and then on march 31st we are having a garage sale. At that time, he plans to have the room completed cleaned out and ready to paint. I know it might not sound like much of a project, but for anyone who saw that room and the hundreds of boxes that were piled in there, you know it is quite a chore!

Other than that, things are just moving right along. Sallie Rose has been very good this weekend and seems to be moving past her little hellion phase, we will see. She is growing up and is turning into such a beautiful young girl. She can write her name, but writes it from right to left. Pretty awesome if you ask me. She is still very vocal and people ask me all the time how old she is and are very surprised to know she is only 3.5. She loves to paint and loves to tell knock knock jokes. Well, she has 1 joke she tells over and over. She also loves ballet and always wants to go to someone's house to have a playdate. And she is still very excited about being a big sister. She is something else, that's for sure. I praise God every day for her health and all of our many blessings

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