Sunday, March 27, 2011

We have had a whirlwind of a couple of weeks. I am focusing more on the rental properties and that is time consuming, but also very physically tiring, considering I do a lot of moving furniture, painting, and some really nasty cleaning. Ugh....won't give details. I actually would like to forget about it.

Kevin was out of town a few days last week, St. Patty's was in the middle of the week, and Kevin's Mom had a procedure done to remove some cancerous cells from her breasts. Although, she is fine and it was such an early detection, it still hit hard to me. I don't know if it hit Kevin as hard as it did me, but just hearing cancer makes me tear up. She is doing great and I believe her outlook on life has changed some too (not that is was a bad outlook to begin with). She seems cheerier and I have heard her use the term "I love you" a lot more. I think I would use it a lot more too.

St. Patrick's Day was fun, but it was just me and Sallie Rose trucking it down to the parade. And this is no Spearman, Texas, casual fun parade. It is large and crowded and loud and a lot more. The Budweiser Clydesdales come if that gives you any indication of how big it is. We had fun, but we didn't stay long and then we came home and took a very long nap.

I am looking forward to April and I am looking forward to the Summer too. I can't wait to get back to Texas and see my family and friends and enjoy the beautiful rivers. Until then, we will hang out at the beach some, but it gets to a point here when it is too hot and the bugs are so bad it is crippling. I can't stand the bugs.

I am also looking forward to some family visiting us this next weekend as well as Easter weekend. Woo hoo.

1 comment:

The Jinkins Family said...

Hope Kevin's mama is doing ok! I agree, scary stuff!