Thursday, March 3, 2011

I thought I might give an update on Sallie Rose and all her fine new discoveries and talents. She is now 29 months old, I would consider that 2 1/2. She is not potty trained and really has no desire to be potty trained. She likes to take her poos behind the curtains, couch, in the closet, wherever she can hide. She has no interest in sitting on the potty to poo. However, she loves to sing a song called "Everybody poo poos on the potty". I guess it should really say everyone, but Sallie Rose. I am in no hurry and will not be forced by society (or teachers with their judging) to force my child to hurry. I would like to get her potty trained by Summer so that we won't have to wear swim diapers to the pool/beach.

She slept in a big girl twin bed for 2 nights and then she discovered the shadows and was so frightened she didn't sleep for 2 hours in the middle of the night. So, she is back in her crib, fine
with me. I am in no hurry to do that either.

She sings, she dances, she talks in full sentences and can carry on a conversation if you ask her questions, most days. She loves to play outside and she loves to watch videos. Lately, she has loved her Mommy more than usual (can you blame her). She cries when I drop her off at school and she cried the other day when Susan was with her a
nd I was leaving to go work. I don't like it at all. It makes me very sad and I feel bad or wonder what is wrong, because she hasn't really done that lately. She will phase out of it I am sure.

She is super sweet and will kiss us on the lips now. As she does it, she usually laughs. She thinks kissing is really awkward and funny. She is a doll. She told me yesterday she wanted brothers and sisters. Hmmmmm.....I wonder who told her to say that? I could guess a few people. I am not in a hurry to do that either. I guess now that I am writing this
, I am not in a hurry to do anything. Am I getting lazy in my old age of 30? Possibly, or maybe it is because I feel like I haven't relaxed and enjoyed my life as much in the last year as I wanted too. I have a wonderful life and a lot of wonderful people in it and I just am feeling like taking things slowly lately. Breathe it all in and not be in a hurry right now, when I don't have to be. Nothing is on fire. Right?

End with a picture of Sallie Rose's fabulous parents. We went to a Gala, to work. Ok, it was volunteer, but they might as well have paid us, we were the hardest working ones there.


Anonymous said...

You two look so good! I miss little miss Sallie and all that personality. She is independent and does her own thing, that is great. Love you! Tara

The Jinkins Family said...

Love that girl! And you two look AMAZING!