Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Is everyone a gift from God?

Lately, I have been doing some soul searching. I have had a lot of time to really examine where my life is and what I am doing with it. The thing that has helped me start this thinking is being able to do some work that I feel makes a real impact in the World. I used to sit at my desk and stare at the computer and know that God had bigger plans for me. What were they? How would I know what the right one was? Well, thanks to the rental properties, the question was answered in a way that I did not expect. I was forced (by time and sanity) to quit my job at the Architectural firm to help my husband and in turn help our family. Well, the Summer was extremely busy, but then during the "down" time I have had time to help with Urban Hope with great strides. I have also found time to pick up side jobs in design.

So, now that I am in the full throws of my soul searching, I had an epiphany the other day. I get so frustrated with some people, one being my husband, and sometimes I get so wound up over the most irrelevant things. At the time, they seem important, but in the grand scheme of things they are not.

So here is my epiphany. It will sound like a Church sermon to some, but hear me out:
I believe God has a plan for us all. I believe that some plans are not followed through in that direction, because of human pride, error, or just plain confusion. I now believe that every person that enters our lives is a gift from God. This might seem silly or totally off base, but if you really think about, they are. Not all gifts are wrapped in pretty ribbons and have a retail value. Some gifts are learning experiences for us. We ourselves are learning experiences for other people.

For instance, you are a waitress and you are working very hard and doing the best you can, but you have a customer who no matter what will be rude to you or disregard that you are even alive. Well, it sucks, but what can you learn from it? I have actually been in this situation and it made me feel so little. Looking back, I also learned that I did not want to be like that to other people. I did not want to make anyone feel little.

I think marriage is the hardest of these situations for me. I love my husband. We have a great relationship, but there are times (weeks, days, months) where I would rather not have to worry about being respectful and kind to him; however, he is truly a gift from God. I have someone to share the rest of my life with and this someone happens to be a hard working, loving, generous, fun person. How could I not enjoy this gift? I am now waking up everyday and reminding myself that God personally gave me Kevin and Sallie Rose. And for that matter all my family and friends. He hand picked everyone in my life for me.

I hope that from this day on I will remember that everyone in my life is in my life for a reason. They are all gifts from God and I need to look for the positive in them, not necessarily what is positive about them, but rather what I can learn from them to improve my attitude or give back to someone else.

Happy Wednesday everyone!


Anonymous said...

You are so precious!! I am so glad God picked you to be my sister. Things have been crazy for me and this gets me back where I need to be. Thank You! Love Tara

Our Wandering Life said...

We must be little soul twins right now because I've been having my own epiphanies lately and I really enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for sharing. Oh, and I know I'm a gift! ;)

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful post. I love it and you! -Suzanne