Thursday, August 26, 2010

What do you do?

I know a lot of you might be wondering, "What is Cassie doing now that she is out of a job?". Ok, I doubt very many of you care, but I thought I would fill you in on what a morning looks like as a property manager for 50 tenants.

First off, let's remember it is 115 degrees outside, the humidity is killer and the mosquitos are out and about and biting.

I get here (41st Street) and am first approached before I get out of my car by a tenant who wants a mini fridge, a bum who wants to know what I am doing with all the furniture lying around, and of course the mosquitos. I put my stuff in our office, which is packed full of furniture and hot and filling up with paperwork that I have not had time to file yet and I get back outside. Everyday now I wear a workout outfit, because I usually end up sweating so bad that I might as well be working out.

Next, I meet a painter to get started, I meet a contractor to fix a leak in a roof that has been "repaired" 3 times and I have to explain to the tenants that "I hope this time they will fix it". I go meet Mike (our awesome maintenance guy) at 509 West 37th Street to discuss the issue of the the ceiling, which fell through because the A/C in the attic overflowed, because our tenant left it on 60 degrees for a full week. Now we have 2 ceilings to repair and paint. Oh and new carpet.

I then come back over to 41st Street to help one guy move out a full bed to be replaced by a twin so that the leak roof will stop dripping directly on his bed. Then, I get the tenant who has been begging for a spare mini fridge his darn mini fridge from an apartment that had to use it, because their refrigerator was broken.

Now, I am back in the office trying not to get overwhelmed, because it is now 11 am and I have paid no bills or done anything that I had on my list of to dos. I have a showing at 11 and I cross my fingers that I can get a lease on it. We only have a few more to rent and I hope they get done or I will be out of another job. Wish me luck.

P.s. I have about 15 mosquito bites on my legs. Nice.


Our Wandering Life said...

I wear skanky painting clothes everyday. We should each post pictures to give our audience a better feel for our day jobs!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! You are such a baby! Haha Just kidding. It sounds wild and crazy. Good luck. Love Tara