Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Update on Sallie Rose

I feel like I just posted those pictures of her in tub yesterday, but it has almost been a month! We have had a busy month and I just haven't been good at uploading pictures. I have been good about catching Sallie Rose on video though and uploading those. Not on here, it takes way too long to upload them to the blogosphere.

Anyhoo, the last two weeks were a little tough for SR. It started off with a doctor's appointment where she got shots, we were told she is still underweight, and a huge temper tantrum in the care when we tried to leave. Susan went with us and after the shots were done and we were trying to put her clothes on her, we couldn't get her to calm down. So, Mommy decided to take her outside in the fresh air to the car to put her clothes on there and calm down. I thought getting her out of the environment might help. Well, it didn't. She was so mad and so hurt that she was hysterical. I had to sit in the backseat with her and just hold her for about 10 minutes. Then, we decided to put her in her car seat and just get her home. She was not having it. Finally the two of us got her in and she screamed and cried. She finally calmed down and we got home and she passed out in her bed.

She seemed to be fine after that, but the following week she had a fever for 2 days and was just all around very cranky. The fever went, and on came the screaming and biting and temper. I know she was teething and I feel like that is all that it was. However, it was not easy for me and Kevin. We were frustrated, exhausted, and our feelings were a little hurt from her screaming at us. That lasted until this past Monday and then we finally got our sweet little girl back that laughs and dances.

I got home last night and Sallie Rose and Daddy were finishing up dinner and they were smiling and looking at the boys in the clothing catalog. Rosie has found her new love, boys. Boys in books, magazines, and on tv. She loves boys! I think we already have a boy crazy little lady on our hands. I remember being quite the boy crazy little girl too. I always loved my sisters' boyfriends and had huge crushes on a lot of boys in high school when I was in 4th or 5th grade. And look how good I turned out. :)

Other than boys, she loves the outside, loves to count, and still loves to shake her booty. She can actually count to 3 and of course then skips to her all time favorite, NINE! She sings "row, row, row" and "Bah, bah, bah", and then she expects you to finish the song. Susan and Kevin have started a word list consisting of all the words Sallie Rose can say. There are about 40 words on the list. The doctor asked what things she is saying and I started listing them and then she said, "ok, that's fine, I just needed to know she says at least 5 words." Ha, she is waaaaay past 5 words. Duh.

We are ready for the warm weather to start bike riding, walking, and going to the playground. Oh, and the beach!!

The Beckwiths have a lot to think about the next few months to figure out how to streamline our lives and I am excited to see where God's path takes us. We'll keep you all posted!

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