Monday, January 12, 2009

3 Months and we survived

Sallie Rose is 3 months old this week and I can't believe it is finally here. Everyone kept telling me to wait until the 3rd month and it would get easier and more fun. Boy were they right. I finally feel like I know what she needs when she needs it and I am somewhat getting the swing of our daily routine.

Our daily routine was supposed to change this week. I was suppose to be at work this Monday. Things changed as usual. The office I work for is very slow right now and they asked me to extend my maternity leave until they could get more work. I told them I could wait a few weeks, but not much longer than that before I started looking for something else. I love staying home with Sallie, but it would be nice to get back to work and socializing on a daily basis. It probably helps that I will have a wonderful friend watching Sallie at our house. I feel so comfortable leaving her with Susan that I am ready and willing to walk out the door everyday. I think I would be a better Mom if I could get out and work and have my own life. I don't know that I will feel that way forever, but for right now, I do. I have to finish my internship hours in order to take the tests to become a "real" architect. That is something I really want to get out of the way and not have to worry about ever again. Only time will tell and I know God has my plans waiting for me. Until then, I will enjoy every minute I have with my precious baby.

Sallie Rose seems to be tracking along on where she should be at 3 months developmentally. She is getting so strong and can pretty much hold her head up, it wobbles a little. She sleeps 10 hours at night and takes great naps without any fuss. I took her to the church nursery for the first time this past Sunday. The other babies were crying and she just sat there and stared in amazement. When I went to get her she was asleep and looked like a little angel. The nursery helper asked me to bring her back next Sunday, which I thought was a little strange, but I thought she was just being nice. Kevin said he went down to see if he could find us and the women went on and on about how good she was. I am not sure how we got so lucky, but she is a great baby.

Her Honey gave her a flower tutu for Christmas and so we decided to take her 3 month pictures in that. I also took a picture of her right when she woke up in the morning so years from now she could see how happy she was in the mornings. She is too precious!! Happy 3 month birthday Sallie Rose.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Great pictures! Happy Birthday Sallie Rose! Kevin and Cassie - you've done a great job! Y'all are both great parents and Sallie is so lucky (and blessed!) Keep up the good work. It really only gets better. Sometimes harder, but it's worth it.