Friday, November 14, 2008

Here she is: Miss Sallie Rose

Yesterday was Sallie Rose's one month birthday. I hired clowns, circus animals, and magicians to come to the house to help celebrate her one month of being alive. Not really. I did however change her diapers, feed her, and hold her for her one month birthday. That is all she really likes to do right now.

She has been a very good baby thus far. She sleeps good at night and only really cries when she has gas or is hungry. Her gas was pretty bad in the beginning but I think now that her tummy has grown she is getting less and less gasy. She is still as beautiful as the first moment we saw her and she gets more personality every day. My favorite time of the day is when she wakes up and stretches her little arms and kicks her legs. Then, she will go through all the faces that she knows how to make and I just watch. At night her Dad sings songs to her and he holds her up and pretends she can walk. She will be walking by next month. I can already tell she is ahead of the pack. Genius and strong like her MOM.

Here are a few pictures of her on her one month birthday. Her aunt Tara came to help her celebrate her big day.
And yes, she has a lot of hair and it sticks straight up. I don't fix her hair in a mohawk every morning, that is natural.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday baby (and happy birthday mommy!) She is such a doll and she esp. looks like Kevin in the bottom pic! Can't wait to meet her. Hope y'all are adjusting well.