Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Last month

Wow, I can't believe that we are in our last few weeks of pregnancy. I say we meaning me, the little baby, and of course Kevin. Kevin has been a wonderful husband and awaiting dad. Don't get me wrong I still feel like I have definitely gone through more than him, so I will still have that to hold over his head, but at the same time he has done his preparing in a different way. He has waited hand and foot on me, listened to me complain about not being close enough to my family, and let me nag him a little bit about the things that I feel have not gotten done fast enough. I only have 3.5 more weeks to be needy, tired, and hog the couch in order to put my swollen feet up. He is going to be so happy to have the couch back.

Overall, it has been a great experience and I really have no major complaints except for the usual pregnancy symptoms that every woman goes through. I will miss her moving around inside my belly and wondering what she is doing and what she is thinking. When she moves all I can do is stare down and wait for her next move. I love watching her play and get so frustrated that no one else gets to see her when she does her big jumps. I am already so proud of her and can't wait to show her off to everyone I know. I guess its time to admit that I am a Mommy. Oh my goodness, that is so BIG!

I just pray that she is healthy, happy, and that Kevin and I
can be as good of parents as both of our parents were and are. We are so blessed with all of our families and I know this baby girl will be spoiled rotten with love from her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. She already is, really.

The big question now is: What will she look like? I am so excited to see her face and to see if she will have bright red hair like her mom, Grandma Rosa Lee, Aunt Melanie, Aunt Glenda, and Aunt Sara. The odds are pretty good, but if she comes out with cr
azy brown hair like her Dad, that will be fine too. The suspense is just killing me though! I am sure she will look a little bit like me and a little bit like Kevin. We will know soon enough. How can she be anything other than adorable, I mean, take a look at me and Kevin when we were little. Precious lil ones!


Kam De Leon said...

I'm so excited for you guys! The first time you see her your heart will burst out of your chest. I still look at Vin everyday and am so overwelmed with love for him that I cry.
Tara's coming will be so helpful, she did a great job washing and sorting clothes for us and preparing the nursery for his homecoming. It's good to prepare for an early arrival just in case.

Best of luck!

Rebecca said...

How sweet! She is going to be beautiful - she already is! She will be the best thing that has ever happened to you. And don't forget to add friends to that list (grandparents, parents, cousins, etc).