Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Tipper

Wow, how do I describe my Dad, Terry "Tipper" Butt? I wouldn't say he is a complicated man, but he is definitely hard to put into words. However, today is his birthday and I want to honor him on this day. It might be hard to describe him in words, but he is definitely worth honoring.

When I was little I wanted to be just like my Dad. I wore the tiny little wrangler jeans, red cowgirl boots, and a belt (with my name on the back) that held up a gigantic belt buckle that my Dad had won at one of his many rodeos. I wanted to ride horses, herd cattle, and chew tobacco just like him. Things changed of course as I got older. I finally realized that I didn't really want to be a cowgirl, but instead a cowgirl at heart. Oh, and chewing tobacco isn't that ladylike. That didn't mean that I didn't want to be like my Dad, I just didn't have to look just like him.

I love telling people that my Dad is a true cowboy. People think that is the neatest thing in the World. And it is. How many people have ever seen their Dad, or anyone for that matter, "break" a horse, rope a cow, doctor a cow, or ride a tractor? Not many people work with their hands or the land like my Daddy does. Sure he is the boss now and has people do most of the work for him, but believe me, he put in his long, hard days of work. Farmers and ranchers don't get a lot of respect or money for that matter. My dad and other cowboys are very overlooked for their dedication and hard work.

My dad is more than a cowboy though. He is a tough love, no bullshit, generous, loving man. He might look tough, but he still tells his daughte
rs that he loves them and kisses them hello and goodbye. Although he has never had the chance (and hopefully never will), I know he would step in front of a bus for us or hurt anyone that hurts us. I'll never forget the way he held me and my sister the day our Grandma died. He knew how much pain we were in and he wanted nothing other than to let us know he was there for us and we could cry in his arms. There is nothing better than having your strong daddy embrace you and make you feel like you are protected from the World.

He was my basketball coach as a young kid; he came to almost every track meet, basketball game, softball game, spelling bee, or operation I had. We might not be two peas in a pod (I am a little bit more like my Mom than Dad), but I embrace every piece of me that is es
sentially him and am thankful for all the traits that I got from him. I hope that every year we will only grow closer and that I will learn from him all the aspects that make him who he is.

Happy Birthday Daddy! I hope it is a great one and that you know how much you mean to me!

1 comment:

Tara Butt said...

Happy Birthday Dad!! Cassie you are so sweet for writing all of that for everyone to read. I know he is getting sensitive in his older years so this probably made him cry. HeHe.