Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Today, Kevin and I went to our first school tour. I was very sad the whole time. I am not ready for the beginning of real school, because then before I know it she will be 18.

Me: Sallie, we looked at a school for you today
Sr: "Big girl school?
Me: yes, but mommy was sad because I am not ready for you to go to big girl school. I don't want you to grow anymore.
Sr: ok mommy, I'll stop eating vegetables so I won't grow and you will be happy

I wish it were that easy. I wish I were not so sad either, I feel like I have lost my baby. I feel a little over dramatic too, but I am seriously crushed to think about her starting Pre-k. I can't decide if it is guilt of not being home with her everyday or if it is just natural. I wish I would have had the luxury to be home with her everyday since she was born, but it didn't work out that way. Poor Lulie, I feel like I am never home with her.

I just pray that she will be safe wherever she ends up for school.

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