Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lulie- 6 weeks

I can not believe Lulie is already 6 weeks old, tomorrow. It has already gone by so quickly. Overall, she has been a great and easy baby. She basically sleeps good at night and just hangs out during the day with a few short naps throughout the day. Until yesterday, when she evidently was not doing well on the formula we were giving her. She has been a little fussy and gassy for a while since she has been on all formula, but I didn't really think much about it; however, the night before last she was up every 30 minutes crying and tooting.

I decided to switch her formula yesterday and she seemed so much better last night. She is still sleeping as I type, which is unusual for her to be asleep this late. We are not on a real set schedule, but we are getting there. I am still trying to learn her patterns and it is hard sometimes when I have such a busy day with Sallie Rose to try and pay a lot of attention to the fine details of Lulie. I feel bad about it, but this is the life of a 2nd child.

She stills has a full head of black hair and she is definitely growing, but she is still very tiny and petite like Sallie Rose was. I love holding her tiny little body up close. I never really enjoyed that stage with Sallie Rose, I was always looking to put her down so I could sleep, work, etc. I wish I would have done more of that with Sallie, but this time I know to enjoy these moments, because very soon she will be 3 1/2 and all you will be doing is washing her mouth out with soap, putting her in time out, or taking away her toys and occasionally have a good time with her.

Speaking of 3 1/2 year olds, Sallie Rose is doing really well. She has been such a good big sister. She genuinely loves Lulie and wants to be with her all the time. She can't wait for her to wake up and will stand by her cradle and see if her eyes are opening. She kisses her and laughs at her to see if she will smile. She calls her "Lulie Belle" or "baby Lulu". She has been so great with her and I love seeing her eyes light up when she sees her in the morning or when we pick her up from school.

We are still having some problems with her being a little naughty though. She loves to argue and talk back and I am trying so hard to stay consistent and discipline her so that she will not be a disrespectful brat. I take away videos and toys on a daily basis and I am constantly having to remind her to "act right". She seems to do fine at school and everywhere else, but at home she loves to test the limits. She also gets really tired and cries over the littlest things, but she refuses to take a nap. She will intentionally do something (like throw a toy) knowing that I will discipline her (throw away anything that she throws or slams down) and then when I do, she falls to the ground screaming. It is really frustrating and I am crossing my fingers that with continued discipline and encouragement, this will pass soon. I feel like this has been going on for months now.

When she is in a good mood and we are not having to discipline her constantly, she is so fun and silly and I love to be with her. She loves to play pretend things, like school or church. She still loves to dress up and she still loves to do anything artistic. We go outside a lot and color with chalk or just water the flowers. She also loves to play with other kids. I really love my girls and am so thankful for them, even when they are naughty. Ask me that in 12 years when I have a 15 and 12 year old.

Look how happy Kevin is to have 3 girls!

1 comment:

The Jinkins Family said...

6 WEEKS????? How is this possible? Thanks for the update! We are going through the same stuff with Jasper. Some crazy tantrums happening over here. I am referring to this as his "Linda Blair" phase. Three is def. harder than two was.