Monday, March 2, 2009

On the Move

Sallie Rose has a new favorite toy. This was a hand me down from one of my best friend's mom. She had it in her attic and her grandchildren are all too old for it, so she passed it down to Sallie Rose. It has really come in handy. She loves to stand in it and can actually move it already.

The name of the toy is Tot Rider, and it and Sallie Rose have a theme song. It goes like this: Go Tot Rider, Tot Rider, Tot tot rider (It is a lot catchier when you hear it). Fastest, four wheeled, slobber covered toy in the neighborhood. What a great toy and it didn't cost us a dime. Thanks Miss Lindy Aiken!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Fun. Looks like she is starting to do more and more; not a sleeping blob anymore. Enjoy it! It only gets better. Well, until they start talking and saying, "No. No. No. No. No. No....."